Saturday, February 14, 2009


In our society, we seldom verbalise (say) our expression of love to people around us, such as our parents,siblings,friends and teachers.We think that actions speak lounder than words.Sometimes,even our actions don't speak at all.

There is a story of a woman...
who always kept her feelings towards her friend
until the day he got married...
she decided to tell him the truth and...
he felt that it was a good joke for his wedding.

There is a story of a man...
who had never told his wife how much he loved her...
until the day she passed away
until now,he keeps sending flowers to her grave
every day...
with thousand kisses on the card saying:
" I love you"
would she be able to know?

Yet,there is a story of a girl...
who always needed a warm hug from her daddy
but she was to shy to ask...
until the days he could never hug her anymore.

A lot of stories happen every day.
You could know what happened yesterday.
How can you be sure what will happen tomorrow?
Think of something you never say.
Are you waiting until the day?
Just say..."I love you"

的确没有人知道明天会发生什么事...所以如果你现在有喜欢的人,你一定要向他表达你对他的爱...也许最终你得到的答案并非你所希望的,但最少你也总算让他知道了你心里想的东西,如果你现在不说, 等到有一天你想说已经没有机会了,那就会成为一生的遗憾...想弥补也太迟了...


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